Board Meeting Hightlights
Posted on Dec 13th, 2013
I. COA Board Members in Attendance
Stephen Wilson President
Don Anderson Chairman of Board
Joe Durham Vice President
Danny Williams Treasurer
Wayne Nesbit Secretary
Quorum was met and the Minutes from the November Board Meeting were approved.
II. Residents Present - None present
lll. Financial Update
The Board reviewed the October Financials and discussed the need to expedite Dominion's resolution of the last few account that were in question. The Board will be sending a letter and giving them a deadline to complete their investigation or be prepared to pay the difference.
lV, Past Board Issues
The past issues from the last meeting were reviewed.. They included the following
(a) 2014 Plaza Budget – Second Budget Meeting Scheduled for the 2014 Plaza Budget and the draft Budget was approved by the Board at that time.
(b) Cleaning Proposal – Joe and Danny were going to seek additional quotes for cleaning
(c) Amenity Room Camera – Waiting on quote from SFI Security
(d) Fitness/Wellness Classes – Will defer until 2014 and work with Highwood’s Mgmt
(e) Debit Card Approval (Motion) – Debit card approved and received
V. Current Board Issues
(a) 2014 Budget Questions - One question was submitted to the Board and it was how much is the budget for the Social Committee. The answer is $750.
(b) 2014 Insurance Renewal - The Board discussed the 2014 Insurance proposal and plans to increase the coverage and seek a second bid for the D & O Insurance to make sure the Association is adequately covered in all areas.
(c) Cleaning Proposal - The proposals were not available to review.
(d) Amenity Room Camera Quote - The quote was very expensive and the Community Manager was instructed to look at other options and to discuss wiring options with Chris Neese.
(e) New Year’s Eve Additional Security? - The Board decided to add one additional Admiral guard to insure proper coverage during New Year's Eve.
VI, Management Report
The Community Manager gave an update on Condo Repairs & Maintenance, Purchases, Communication, issues and Concerns. She also reviewed the Bundle Opt In/Out status.
VII. Next Board Meeting
(a) The next Board Meeting is February 5th. The January meeting is cancelled due to the fact that it falls on January 1st which is a holiday
Vlll. Meeting Adjourned 6:55.